Soak it In: Photographer Sandra Lane

One of the best ways to get inspiration for interiors is to explore the portfolios of photographers you admire. And lately I’m loving the work of Sandra Lane. Represented by Sarah Kaye out of London, Sandra captures color in a way that makes even the brightest fuchsia seem like a neutral: deeply saturated but eminently accessible. Each image is quietly confident, with a voice that speaks softly yet persuasively.

I tried to narrow it down to just a few photos to share, but her extensive online gallery is just too amazing! Be sure to check out the rest of her brilliant work here—and believe me, you want to see it all. Here are some of my favourites…

…This is exactly as a workspace should be: serene and filled with light. Just sit down and let the creativity flow…

…Can’t you imagine getting ready for a dinner party in a dressing room like this? It exudes glamour but isn’t gaudy. And how much do I want that deep purple pillow?…

…Of course after the dinner party you’d have to come home for a bath in this extra deep tub. Just drape your gown over the velvet chair—the steam will take care of the wrinkles while you soak the night away…

…When your skin starts to get pruney from the bath, towel off and slip between the sheets in your ‘fit for a queen’ bedroom. A girl can never have too many down pillows…

…I just had to include this next image because the composition of the disparate elements captures the exact tone and complexity that I want in my own home. The sexy curve of the wooden table legs contrasts brilliantly with the industrial metal of the stool and the angles of the lamp. Throw in the organic softness of the pillows and blanket, then top it all off with a single hydrangea—which just happens to mimic the color of the worn red wood of the chair back! Perfection…


…Sandra also photographs food beautifully. Here’s a way to make eclairs and cream pastries look even more delicious: pile them three layers high!…

…this image of chocolate pear cake has me rethinking pink and purple. I left this color combo back with my ‘My Little Pony’ collection, but somehow the open weave of the linen and the concentric whorls of the ceramic plate makes it all grown up…

…Baked Alaska: a truly pedestal worthy dessert…

…and finally, I’m not having a bridal shower. But if I were, I would base the whole thing entirely on this photo: sweet and feminine, indulgently girly but sophisticated too. I smell an inspiration board coming on!

All images courtesy of Sandra Lane/Sarah Kaye. And thanks to Coco + Kelley for pointing me to the Sarah Kaye website! 

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